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The Immigrant Guide

Volume 8.1.24

August 28, 2024

Below you will find an analysis of the Visa Bulletin issued by the Department of State, which determines the availability of immigrant visas for the different categories of family and work petitions, as well as general information that will help you understand how it works.

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has been hit by unprecedented processing delays and backlogs that have not only become a burden on AILA members and their clients, but also on the agency itself. Although all agency applications and petitions have been affected by these delays, it is most evident in the processing of Form I-601A, Application for Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver.

The processing time for adjustments of status based on a citizen's immediate petition will always depend on different factors, for example the USCIS workload and the complexity of the specific case. Form I-130 (Petition for Immediate Relative): Processing time Generally, the Form I-130 processing time for spouses, parents and unmarried children under the age of 21 of US citizens is currently taking between 10-14 months​ .

Under the law, the leave is used to: Care for your child if your school or daycare closes due to COVID-19 (including mandatory remote learning) or another public health crisis. Quarantine based on the recommendation of a medical professional or public health authority or to receive a COVID-19 vaccine and/or recover from side effects.

NJ Temporary Disability Insurance provides benefits to New Jersey employees who are unable to work due to a compensable physical or mental health condition or other disability unrelated to their work, including recovery from pregnancy/childbirth and COVID-19 .

About the program: If your first day of family leave is more than 14 days after your last day of covered employment in New Jersey and you do not have leave approved by your employer, you may be eligible for family leave during unemployment insurance ( FLDU), a combination of family leave and unemployment insurance

Unemployment benefits are an extremely useful resource for many people who cannot find work, but it is often the case that many do not understand how benefits are calculated. That said, here's a simple overview of how these benefits are calculated to help you better understand the process.

The CDC has updated its recommendations for COVID-19 and flu vaccines for the 2024-2025 season to improve protection against serious illness this fall and winter. It is now confirmed that it is safe to receive the COVID-19 and flu vaccines during the same visit.

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today encouraged taxpayers who requested an extension to file their taxes to consider using the IRS Free File program and other resources on to help them file their taxes over the summer instead of waiting. until the October deadline. There is no need to wait if taxpayers are ready to file their taxes.

Summer is a great time to go outside and enjoy the warm weather. However, as global temperatures continue to rise, it is increasingly important for seniors to know how to stay safe in the heat.

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